I also tend to feel a lot of guilt from stepping away or taking time. Sometimes I wonder if it’s easier for men to do this without feeling guilt since they have not been raised to feel guilt for caring for themselves, but people raised on the opposite side of that binary, tend to be brought up as having to be selfless and always tending to others needs.
I don't know but I feel like this is a really good point that I didn't think of. The complexities of sex and gender. I just am worried that I wont feel able to talk about this in the future- I am worried about free speech, and so now it feels important to listen and name what is coming up however it is coming up. I really appreciate this comment.
I really needed to read this today! My husband has done the same, since the election and has similar replies when I bring something up. I just wanted to share that this was really helpful to know that I'm not alone in this. And agree with what Dee said! Thank you for sharing this Carissa
My sympathy for this situation is deep. I too need to step back from mainline g 24/7 news feed as well as really needing to have deep conversations about how what is going on in the news makes me feel. I strongly suggest because it was such a therapeutic experience is to rewatch Greta Gerwig's version of Little Women and joy cry your way through this movie. We also need to have an art date where we can draw sing a long to all of our favorite pop songs, and order take out and eat it in our pj's.❤️
Thank you for sharing this, you have wrapped words around the feelings I struggle with-world events vs. self care and preservation. Eventually those two worlds will have to come together but not today. Today I will do art.
"I’m celebrating because I still can. I can look away, be authentic to how I feel. This is a fleeting privilege, but if I can’t savor it now, how will I have the energy to move forward?"
Broad brushstroke here. Being a woman, it seems like I process my emotions including anxiety verbally. My partner doesn’t. He may detest what is happening as much as I do. But, he doesn’t internalize it. If the news is not an immediate threat he moves on. It makes for some pretty lopsided conversations. He doesn’t want to hear my opinion 24/7. All understandable. But, there’s a lot of processing that I need to do.
I also tend to feel a lot of guilt from stepping away or taking time. Sometimes I wonder if it’s easier for men to do this without feeling guilt since they have not been raised to feel guilt for caring for themselves, but people raised on the opposite side of that binary, tend to be brought up as having to be selfless and always tending to others needs.
I don't know but I feel like this is a really good point that I didn't think of. The complexities of sex and gender. I just am worried that I wont feel able to talk about this in the future- I am worried about free speech, and so now it feels important to listen and name what is coming up however it is coming up. I really appreciate this comment.
I really needed to read this today! My husband has done the same, since the election and has similar replies when I bring something up. I just wanted to share that this was really helpful to know that I'm not alone in this. And agree with what Dee said! Thank you for sharing this Carissa
Thank you for doing the same for me. Leting me know that I also am not alone. I don't know why I keep forgetting this.
My sympathy for this situation is deep. I too need to step back from mainline g 24/7 news feed as well as really needing to have deep conversations about how what is going on in the news makes me feel. I strongly suggest because it was such a therapeutic experience is to rewatch Greta Gerwig's version of Little Women and joy cry your way through this movie. We also need to have an art date where we can draw sing a long to all of our favorite pop songs, and order take out and eat it in our pj's.❤️
I could not agree more. I want to watercolor with you.
Thank you for sharing this, you have wrapped words around the feelings I struggle with-world events vs. self care and preservation. Eventually those two worlds will have to come together but not today. Today I will do art.
Yes Sally, today, let's make some art. Cheers to that!
"I’m celebrating because I still can. I can look away, be authentic to how I feel. This is a fleeting privilege, but if I can’t savor it now, how will I have the energy to move forward?"
This was beautiful, Carissa!
thanks Ruthie. I hope you find something to celebrate today. and all the days.
Broad brushstroke here. Being a woman, it seems like I process my emotions including anxiety verbally. My partner doesn’t. He may detest what is happening as much as I do. But, he doesn’t internalize it. If the news is not an immediate threat he moves on. It makes for some pretty lopsided conversations. He doesn’t want to hear my opinion 24/7. All understandable. But, there’s a lot of processing that I need to do.
This is why friendships are so important. My gosh, I can relate!