I learned about HSP’s last year and suddenly everything clicked. It’s just been another piece of the puzzle to understanding myself

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Loved this discussion, it definitely resonated! Learning about HSPs in the past few years has been so empowering.

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I was told I was too sensitive at a young age - and even still get that today. I try to balance being “tough” while honoring my emotions but I just feel so overwhelmed and lonely most of the time. I’ve lost family, don’t really have close friends, and feel so much shame. Thank you for sharing this.

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As an HSP who is married to an HSP and parenting an HSP, I feel this so much (and hope to write about it from a child development/edu perspective when I have the spoons). I’m so excited to dig into this!

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I remember being embarrassed by how often I cried as a child. I have come to understand my sensitivity as an exhausting superpower, and my tears as holy. This conversation is affirmation that folks like us aren't alone.

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Thanks for giving voice, and digging deeper on things that resonate so strongly for so many of us. It's brave and inspiring work that you're doing. Grateful!

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love your conversation shedding light on new ways of perceiving ourselves as HSP’s. it feels nice to focus on the positives instead of what we’re not.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023

I've been an HSP since Aron's first book came out! So glad that others are continuing the work with what we know now about neurodivergence etc.

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I appreciate being introduced to this conversation. My sensitivity is still something I struggle with. My instinct is to call myself weak when really this characteristic of myself is what makes me special.

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Love this discussion! Thanks for you letter, and I'm looking forward to listening to your conversation with Jenn.

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I feel a lot but don't show... That's why people think I'm strong but deep inside I am just a kid trying my best ... Guess we all are in some level... Thank for your newsletter

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So important to support this idea of sensitivity! Xoxo

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