My world view of choice is “existential optimist” in the sense that in a universe of seemingly infinite outcomes, we have the gift of creating meaning from our experience and the coincidences that add a sense of magic to our lives. 🐞

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I was feeling pretty low after someone broke my heart, and that same week I met about 5 people with the same tattoo and similar or really close birth dates (we were all scorpios). I remember everything felt like magic that week. And I always search for those tiny connections and coincidences in my days to remind me of the magic. It's everywhere if you pay attention. Loved reading this (L)

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Signs are everywhere if you just open yourself to them. They remind us that we are never ever alone and that someone - the Universe, God, our guides or angelic team, you name it - is always watching over us.

Have you noticed that a heart breaks open but never breaks closed ? When someone breaks your heart, as painful as it is, it is a lesson for your heart to become more open... Lots of love to you, beautiful Arianna.

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Oh, I love this! Ans I've been recently listening to a few podcast with Dr Tara Swart about the mind in general. She has studied manifesting (among other things) and it's quite fascinating. I love believing in spirituality because it's a choice, and sprinkle that with some dead rationality because we are a fine piece of engineering 😅

Everyday's magic for me is very much in the little things. And it all started from a quote in Sex and the city. When Charlotte is asked how often she's happy in her relationship, she just answer not all day every day but every day. I decided to apply that. Everyday there's something that will make me smile. The magpie I feed. A ray of sunshine. Rain. Hearing the train. Eating bread. Just a tiny bit...

I'm probably going to have to write about that! Thanks for the inspiration 🙌

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This is just what I needed to read today. Thank you. Also just to add I get so much encouragement to be a better person from the handstand picture I got from you for my beloved. Truly. Thank you so much for your work. 🌈

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Definitely agree, coincidences feel magical! Mandarin has a related saying. Wú qiǎo bù chéng shū,

(it's sort of pronounced, woo chow boo chung shoo) is translated on line as "curious coincidence." Another meaning is, "no coincidence, no story." Just another way to make the point of you piece! Coincidence is magical and also the heart of every story.

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When a moment of connection between two people happens... how do you know the moment was real when time passes and what happens when the two are scheduled to meet again? There is rub. Will it be sustained? Choices in time lines to prepare for manifesting all the joy and love the universe is plotting for two people to begin a journey of enlightenment together.

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Thank you so much for that post, Carissa. I loved it! I always tell my family that I don't believe in probabilities, as though they were some kind of math religion, because they don't take in account destiny/fate/God's nudges. As I love surprises and magic, I'd rather believe in synchronicites which are, as you say it well, just coincidences with meaning.

What matters here is that beliefs in human life prevail truth, whether they are positive or negative. A few days ago, I share in a post the tale of the day I made the conscious decision to choose to believe in the magic of life/the Universe and it transformed my life for good : https://geraldineclaudel.substack.com/p/weekly-special

Lots of love.

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I love these ‘coincidences’, the serendipity of life I call tiny magic!

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This I have a Will to find out if there was really anything there at all but I love these moments and they are what give life the only value it holds for me anymore

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Love this! I always see matching numbers and have since then seen it as a sign of sorts, confirmation that I’m guided by the universe/God/Spirit whatever you wanna call it

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